Adham & Trump 4: Because bees don’t use Marijuana

I woke up extra early. So it is still a jet lag. I was planning to go to Navy Pier and watch the sunrise since it is in the east. But it was raining heavily the whole morning. I love sunrise, it has many positive meanings, the beginning of the day, the light after the darkness and the arrival of the sun. Sunset, on the other hand, has the contrary. It is darkness, the end of the light and farewell. Optically, they probably look the similar. I don’t know. But women find sunset romantic.

My day was not full today. Till my flight, nothing special happened. I was working on organising my thoughts for the talk. So I still didn’t start preparing my talk which is on Thursday! It is my habit of being a last minute deliverer. Probably the highlight of the day was my conversation with Ron. A regular looking guy who sat beside me on the plane. On the other hand sat a beautiful chick I would have rather had a conversation with her. But Ron was getting all the attention telling me about how he believes that ,arijuana solves everything. He prescribes it to everyone of his friends and “it helps” he says! marijuana is legal in many states here for medicinal use and in some states for recreational use. He often mentions Colorado in a very thick accent “Coloraaadow”.

He makes cookies, bakes, and makes all kind of marijuana things! I found it funny when he told me that he is interested in marijuana honey 😀 where the bees are using the Marijuana flowers for the pollens and then you have cannahoney.. tadaaaaa… He quoted a french guy:

The bees that produce the cannahoney are not affected by cannabinoids because they do not have an endocannabinoid system,

Source somewhere on the internet

Not that I believe anything! But I found the story funny. I must admit that he had another idea that I found it genuinely interesting. To treat his own allergy, he has a theory to eat honey produced from the local community. Local bees fly around and use the pollens locally. Therefore, if he eats a spoon of honey everyday, he is introducing into his body a little bit of allergen which on the long run makes “desensitization” which is decreasing the body reaction to that substance. Again, regardless if the idea is scientifically valid or not. I find it a funny clever theory.

I landed in Phoenix and met another speaker on the train. I know him from Germany since he is one of the leading scientists in the field. He recognised my face from some conferences but didn’t remember who I was. We had some nice conversation and some how discussed what each of us will present since I will present directly after him. Not that we repeat each other!

I stay today in an Airbnb with Adrian. Just now finished a very long conversation with him about politics in the USA and the middle east. He is working in SolarCity which a solar energy company that was founded by Elon Musk’s cousines and recently acquired by Tesla (June 2016). I came to know interesting facts about the conflicts between solar energy companies and local governments and lobbies of regular power companies (utility companies). Topics I haven’t touched before.

I go to bed now to start my mini-conference tomorrow. Good night habibis!