10 – To Langkawi, contemplations!

Somewhere in Langkawi island, in the evening, drinking tea with milk and overhearing (or spying) on a conversation between two English gentlemen talking about the universe. How it started, parallel universes, time and that "definitely" there is life somewhere else. One asks the other: "i wonder if they have music there! How would it sound like?"

A little bit earlier, I had dinner alone! Laksa is the name of the dish. Like many of its Asian peers, it does not look sexy but it tastes fantastic. A mixture of prawns, chicken, egg I think, noodles, in fish broth.

A little bit earlier I went for a short walk on the beach at the sunset time. No one was there since my guesthouse is not so close to where most of the tourists mingle! It was fishermen’s beach. But peaceful. Close by was a beatiful mosque where an imam with nice melodic voice over the speakers added some taste to the beautiful moments.

Writing is the solo-traveler’s companion. If you have seen the movie "into the wild" (which you should see if you haven’t), one of the most important conclusions is:

Before social networks, one had to write a letter or wait to go home and share with family and friends. Now i can share my experiences and feelings and get ready for new ones. However, I still think that experiencing things with a travel partner enriches both parties since two different minds will receive the same input and process it in a different way. I find it always interesting how someone else sees the same thing! It is, however, not an easy matter for two travelers to have similar plans, interests, level of risk taking and spontaneity!

A little bit earlier, I arrived to the guest house where I met denim, Joseph and Johan! They seem to be smart educated people. They are super-friendly and willing to help. It is the emotional-intelligence that is reaches you from these guys. It was interesting that the second question was usually "are you Christian?" After "where are you from?".   The person whom I booked the room from passed away 5 days ago! These guys are running the place now! It is a very cozy place although zero-fancy and spider nets seem to be part of the decoration and does not bother anyone here! The room is very basic.

A little bit earlier I took the "super fast ferry" as they call it. This sounded a bit exaggerating. I don’t know how fast is fast and how fast is super fast. Anyways, for some reason, they played the movie Titanic on board during the trip. I don’t know what is the probability that such a movie was chosen by accident. When we were ashore, they played some music from the 70s an whn we started moving, the word "Titanic" filled the screen to trigger the "are you fucking kidding me?". 

It was cloudy with a bit of rain since the morning, which started by me having another "Nasi Kandar", forgive me for eating the same dish 5 times in three days!

A little bit earlier I checked out from the great hostel couzi-couji. Said bye to "Devin", she seems to be an interesting person but unfortunately we didn’t have time to share. She has a nice sparkle in her eyes that intrigues you to have this person in your life. We will meet around somewhere!

Tomorrow (Thursday 18.12) is my last planned day in Malaysia! In the beautiful island of Langkawi. I am planning a program that includes the beach if the sun stops playing hide and seek!

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