06 – Putrajaya, city of Aladdin

The train from Kuala Lumpur to Putrajaya is fast. 20 minutes only and you are there, the newly built city to be the government’s new home! Nobody seemed excited to go there with me. Because it is not old, not traditional maybe not dirty.

I arrived at the train station. As usually happens, I see some kiosk selling some new sort of food that is very cheap so I stop and eat. I thank God I walk a lot, otherwise I would come back rolling like a ball.

It started raining. I felt stuck in the station and thought I should wait for the rain to clear. Meanwhile, I checked the map and the tourist guide. I got them from the tourist information office a day before when I asked them about remarkable mosques architecture which I am interested in. They said: "for architecture, go to Putrajaya".

I grew impatient waiting for the rain. Although it looked heavy, I decided to take a taxi to my first destination, Putra mosque. As soon as the taxi left the station, there was no rain and it was sunny. I looked behind and it was cloudy and raining! It seems that they have here the interesting phenomenon of a very localized rain. It was only raining on the train station! 😀

I heared myself say "WOW" in the taxi. This city is BEAUTIFUL. They just decided to build a beautiful city. With the curvy colored domes, with the designed bridges, every corner in this city is designed. Every corner is beautiful! I went directly to the Putra mosque, it was so beautiful that I decided to go inside and pray!

Some things look better in photos than in reality. Not this mosque and not my photos. I attach this googled photo without shame nor copyrights respect

Since I had shorts, I asked the guy on the gate to give me something to wrap myself in like a tortilla, hehe. He did!

I prayed. It was actually the time of the "Asr" prayer in the mosque, so I joined them. After the prayer I went around the mosque touring it and enjoying its huge space with huge doors and the feeling that this is a well-taken-care-of place.

I stumbled upon a sign that there is a free WIFI in the mosque. I didnt find a reasonable necessity for this!

I left the mosque and close by I could see the new office of the prime minister:

I walked away around the city, singing its name and looking at each corner for patterns of design, motifs and ideas! I found the city to be relatively empty. I was walking alone most of the time!

I walked for hours there. At least 3 hours of walking. Two more interesting buildings I saw, the palace of justice and another mosque in front of it.

The palace:

The mosque was again impressive. Surrounded by water from three sides and with modern design inside. Another Google image showing the mosque and some bridges!

I left the mosque to go back to Kuala Lumpur. Didn’t find a taxi nor a bus because there is a food festival in town. Tempting but I promised Jirka to dine with him!

In Kuala Lumpur I met Jirka and his Malaysian friend Alice. We went to have dinner in the street with chatting and joking. Jirka complains of his extra weight while we try to convince him that he is ok! After dinner we went for fruits and finally I ate mango! So good but not as good as Egyptian mangos!

Alice drove me home where I collapsed sleeping after the long fairytale Putrajaya!

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