The theory of dust..
I have just invented..
Or maybe I read it..
in some magazine..
It says that this earth..
is highly committed,
to pulling you down..
deep and within.
That’s why its magnetic..
Reunion of dust..
It’s almost poetic..
But everything dies.
Every. Thing. Ends.
The earth will get back.
all what she has lent..
But wait..
there is heaven..
with angels and souls
It’s properly hidden.
behind some unseen walls..
and mostly forgotten..
between the prayers and moans..
but it has also given..
your soul and your scent..
she also wants back..
what she has once lent..
You try to escape..
You want to exist..
you try finding life..
You try and resist..
in the darkness of cosmos.
in the light of your heaven..
some loves and some hates..
we think all persists
so dust pulls some dust
and soul pulls some soul
laws of attraction..
that always exist..
Everyone dies..
Everything ends..